pistikem bambini dialogue grafik abstrakt humor landscape city tekník nature trafik voyage amor eros people sport work artist culture music beast friend slideshow

At the age of twelve, István Mórocz, or Pisti by his Hungarian nickname, was given a Yashica twin-lens reflex camera by his father and he began to see the world through the eyes of an observer. Pisti is fascinated by timeless relationships between objects which form dialogues that are humorous, graphical, historical, philosophical - or even senseless. Artistic content and human value matter to him and reflect a photographic style of the mid-20th Century. Primarily an autodidact, he attributes his development as a documentary photographer to the cultural exposure he received from both his parents in his youth.
  Pisti was for over two decades a neurologist and scientist at Harvard, Weizmann and Einstein, studying the way the human brain accomplishes complex tasks such as mental calculation. He puts nowadays time into a startup tracing the cognetom i.e. electrical building blocks cognitive tought processes are made of. Noïsis aims via EEG to monitor neurological diseases such as multiple scleroris.
  Pisti used film for image capture but with an m10d and the subsequent m11d he swapped halide crystals with digital pixels and hence prints today on cotton canvas. To convert color-to-gray he makes use of GIMP's GEGL c2g.

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“It's all about Arts” - Boston BNN.

new in collection


pistikem : bambini

pistikem : dialogue

pistikem : grafik

pistikem : abstrakt

pistikem : humor

pistikem : landscape

pistikem : city

pistikem : tekník

pistikem : nature

pistikem : trafik

pistikem : voyage

pistikem : amor

pistikem : eros

pistikem : people

pistikem : sport

pistikem : work

pistikem : artist

pistikem : culture

pistikem : music

pistikem : beast

pistikem : friend

more to come soon. . .

a little patience... kis türelmet... קצת סבלנות
ein bißchen Geduld... un po' di pazienza...
un peu de patience...

for questions: 2024-10-03